Your Current 进展程度
You can check your progress on the degree you are currently pursuing by using the 进展程度 Tool in ctcLink.
- After logging into ctcLink, use the Menu 选择 学者 然后 进展程度.
- 选择 name of your degree under the pie chart to view more information. 一般 information on the degree will be displayed below, and degree requirements will show 在右边.
- 如果你 select a specific requirement, Social Science for example, it will expand to show the status on that requirement and the class or classes that were used to meet the requirement, if applicable.
- On each requirement, you can select the 查看课程 button to see the classes that can be used to satisfy the requirement.
For a printable version of these instructions, 点击这里.
的 进展程度 工具 will only show you the progress you have made on your current degree. 如果你 want to see what you would need to do for a different degree without changing it, 你可以使用 假设 工具.
- After logging into ctcLink, use the Menu 选择 学者,然后 假设.
- 选择 创建报告 button.
- 在 新报告 page, enter information on the degree you want to dreate a report on and select the
提交报告 button. Below are some tips on how to create a report.
- You will want 选择 information working left to right, top to bottom. 改变 the selection in a drop-down box higher up will often reset the boxes lower down.
- 的re are three types of programs to choose from: Academic, Baccalaureate, and Professional
- Academic lists the main transfer degrees like the Associate of Arts and Sciences, Associate of 公共汽车iness, and Associate of Science.
- Baccalaureate lists the four-year degrees like the Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering Technology, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and Bachelor of Applied Science 在教学.
- Professional 技术 lists the technical degrees and certificates like the Associate in Nursing, Graphic Design, and Industrial Tech Machining.
- Be sure 选择 Major from the 计划类型 下拉.
- 如果你 are looking at a Professional 技术 program, be sure to double check that
you have selected the correct 计划. Many Professional 技术 programs have two-year degree 选项 and shorter certificate
- 的 two-year degrees will include Associate, ATS, or AAST in their title (e.g.副 in Nursing DTA/MRP, 公共汽车iness ATS, Pharmacy Technician AAST).
- 的 certificate 选项 will include a C followed by a number in their title (e.g., ECE 一般 C20, Medical Assistant C45).
- 的 假设 scenario will display a similar way to the 进展程度, but you will also be able to get a PDF report. Once you have run a 假设 scenario, it will be saved to 假设页面.